Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Animal Cruelty :: essays research papers fc

Animal CrueltyThe topic of animal cruelty is one of great importance to the wold today. Whywe humans ingest the right reserved to treat animals as lesser individuals isbeyond me. Animals are fulfilling their part in the ecosystems and communitiesof the earth, and to the best extent that they are able. For example, a spideris universe the best possible spider that it can be, spinning webs and workingdiligently at what it knows best, not bothering any creatures of the earthbesides the ones which it needs to capture for food. We, as humans, decided thatwe are a much advanced life form and can basically treat anything else in thisworld in ways which we cannot call up being treated. As a result the threadsholding our earth together tightly in the balance are being slowly unraveled to jot into ultimate self-destruction.In 1988, 16, 989 animals died in laboratories in the United Kingdom. This wasdue to much(prenominal) sieves as acute and chronic toxicity experiments, where the animal sare forced to consume substances such as perfume, make-up and other beautyproducts and are often literally poisoned, their systems literally overloaded bythe substance in question. Another seeing regularity is the Lethal Dose 50 percenttest or LD50. In this procedure at least half of the animals must die in separatefor the government to figure out how much a human can ingest without dying.In one such test some animals were fed 4. lb. of outline and one ended updying of intestinal obstruction. In another, 7 pints of melted eye shadow wasfed to rats. In yet another, mice were wrapped in tin foil and grilled inultraviolet light to test a sun block cream for a total of 96 hours. The resultsof the test were that the longer the mice stayed in the rays, the more sunburntthey got.But that is not all. A wax product used in many cosmetics was dosed intoanimals by a stomach tube. The amount that they used is equivalent to feeding 1 lb of the stuff to humans. The animals involved soon bega n salivating, bleedingfrom the nose and mouth, and had extreme diarrhoea. As the test progressed somemore, the animals became emaciated and unkempt, had congestion in the lungs andkidneys and solid wax in the stomach.The infamous Draize eye test cannot be forgotten either. Chemicals areinstilled into the eyes of rabbits in stocks, often for up to seven days. Andbecause their eyes are physiologically different from ours, they cannot produce

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